Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dublin Rock 'n Roll Half-Marathon

Its been a couple of weeks, but I'm finally posting an update on the Dublin Half-Marathon.

The race went rather well, especially for someone who didn't really train like they should have for a distance run. I never expected to finish really fast or qualify for any kind of recognition or reward, really it was an excuse to go to Ireland.

It took me a little over 3 hours to complete the course, and maybe it was the lower elevation, cooler climate, cloudy weather, I don't know but I did not have the leg and foot issues I'd been battling every every other run. So that alone made the race very pleasant and getting to sightsee around Dublin as I ran was just a bonus. The course took us through Phoenix Park, which is over 3x's the size of Central Park, and I have to say that after getting past the monster hill at the entrance, it was my favorite part of the course. It was so pretty. There were lots of people who were stopping to snap photographs but I did not... alas. Too busy maintaining momentum.

One thing I do have to say is that I'm kind of tired of just finishing races. I've been there, done that, I think I've more than proven that I can run, or cycle, or swim, or do all three in one event. I used to not care if I was the last person to cross the finish line, but I'm kind of tired of having all the good stuff already gone at the aid stations or they're starting to tear down. I want to be better, maybe not the fastest but at least solidly in the middle.

Anyway... Dublin was awesome! After the race, we went to a pub near our hotel for a pint. There is something to be said about Guinness, it's a great post race recovery beverage. When you're in Ireland, it's a pretty good pre race beverage too, perhaps thats why I had fewer muscle issues. 

In addition to the race, we did a lot of sightseeing, though walking around Dublin post race was a little trickier. We went to my favorite place in the while wide world, The Guinness Store House. If this whole writing thing doesn't pan out, I can get a job a serving Guinness as I learned just how to pour the perfect pint.

I don't have any other events on the horizon and I'm thinking I'm going to keep it that way, at least for the rest of this year. I think I've done too many different things that I haven't really improved at all on any one. 

I burned out this year. Two years working my tail off training plus a really stressful job has totally knocked me on my ass. Now it feels like I'm back at square one almost. I think that toning down the events and getting back to some basics, exercising regularly for instance, is going to be beneficial in the long run.

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