Friday, August 23, 2013

The Gifts Life Gives

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about all the gifts I've been given over the past few years and I'm not talking about the material things I've received, but gifts that have had a lasting impact on my life. Not all of the gifts have been good, at least not on the surface; getting MS, having to quit a job I loved because the new boss was driving me nuts and the work was draining me dry... But hidden in the negatives were some of the most important gifts.

Finding out that I had MS was probably the biggest gift the universe could have given me. It taught me not to take so much for granted, that my energy was better spent on things that mattered rather than going through the motions of a life. Without MS, I wouldn't have left the job I'd secretly hated. I wouldn't have discovered the school I worked at, or met some of the most amazing people who helped me realize that the only limitations in life are the ones you set yourself.

Yesterday I learned that Crazy Boss is no longer with the program, and part of me started thinking that maybe I'd want to go back. However, the other reasons I had for leaving... high stress, little energy at the end of the day for myself let alone my family... still applied. And thinking further, I've moved on to a different stage in my life, my time at that school really is finished.

So where do I go from here?

A very good friend of mine believes that I am a powerful manifester. When I want something bad enough, I can focus my energies until I achieve what I'm after. 

I want to be a writer... okay so technically since I'm sitting here writing right now I am a writer, but I want to be a published writer. I want my words to be read by and impact others. I want to contribute something to the world that will be around after I am gone. I want to be able to travel the world and experience what it has to offer then use those experiences in my writing. 

One of the things I wanted to do when I quit my job is to focus more on my writing. Unfortunately saying I want to focus on my writing and the reality of being a full time writer are two entirely different entities and I'm wondering what the universe has out there waiting for me. I want to be a writer, and I believe I can manifest myself as a writer, but its the journey thats going to be the most important part of that process and not so much the final destination.

I am ready for the next gift that life has waiting for me, good or bad. I know that what ever it is, it will take me to where I need to be. In the meantime, it's important to see where I've come from and the things I've experienced as the gifts they turned out to be.  

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