Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Progress... I mean progression

Yesterday I went back to my doctor for the results of all the various tests they did on me last month to determine if I could go on Tysabri. Long story short, I have not been exposed to the virus, and I am a good candidate for Tysabri. The news wasn't all good however... The new MRI I had done at the begining of the month shows twelve more lesions including one that was 'lit up', or active at the time of the MRI. This means that over the past three years since my last MRI, the MS has been steadily progressing. 

The doctor says that twelve lesions in three years isn't too shocking or horrific, especially considering I've not been on disease modifying medication for most of the time, but it is way past time that I get on something. I was surprised that I had so many new lessions since over the past three years I've been relatively symptom free. The doctor wasn't too sure, MS affects everyone differently, but if she had to guess all the exercise and activity that I've been doing has helped my brain. She was saying that exercise is one of the only ways to heal and remylate the brain. I take that to mean... if I hadn't been doing everything I've been doing, things could be a lot worse. Going on Tysabri will hopefully mean that I won't loose anymore mylan and if I keep up with the activity I could hopefully make improvements.

While at my doctor's office, I agreed to take part in another study. Since I haven't been on any medication in over two years, there were some people really excited to get a hold of some of my blood so they can do studies with it. Once again, there isn't anything I actively have to do for the study except bleed, but maybe my contribution will aid in further understanding of MS. There is a study going on, however, that I am very interested to get into. Apparently its a study involving exercise, nutrition and MS, which sounds like it might align with what I've been doing for the past three years. I don't have any specific details as of yet, but I'm hoping to talk to someone involved with the study soon and see what I can do to participate.

It's going to take a few weeks to get the paperwork for the Tysabri all worked out, hopefully I should be getting on it soon. In the meantime, I'm just going to keep going with what I've been doing. When my doctor was telling me that the exercise has probably been the reason why I've felt so good despite the fact that my MS is progressing I said to her... "So I should keep exercising." to which she replied, "Hell yeah!" I've always known that my workouts and training make me feel better and good, I just wasn't aware of just how much they were helping me as the MS was worstening in my brain. Let me tell you, to learn that I had all those new lesions plus one that was active and I was experiencing little to no symptoms, my motivation to keep working out, keep training, is renewed ten-fold.

As my husband pointed out yesterday when I told him... "Wow, running really has saved your life."

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