Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

One of the things I hate about MS is how one day I could feel good, almost normal, and then by the next day I feel like crap. It’s one of the most annoying aspects of this crappy disease. 
For Example:
Yesterday I felt good, almost great, and it was nice. For the first time in a very long time, I didn’t wake up in the morning still feeling tired. I was able to work on my novel, some illustrations, and some freelance articles, in addition to doing the laundry and dishes. I was even up to cooking dinner. However, today is a totally different story as I feel yet another cold coming on, my muscles keep getting tighter and tighter, and I’m feeling pretty miserable over all.
Having MS feels like your imprisoned by your body. Yesterday I was allowed out after a long time of being shut up, given the opportunity to enjoy things, then today I’m shut back up in the prison. 
The key to surviving life with MS is to not take the good days for granted, because  you don’t know how long they’ll last or when you’ll have them again. However, it’s really hard when you get little teasers of what it feels like to feel well only to have them taken away once you’ve wetted your appetite. 
I’ve only had MS for less than a year, and I keep hearing about how things should eventually improve, and my good days will become more frequent and last longer;  but I’m starting to wonder if it’s ever going to happen for me. Seven months of not feeling well, is taking it’s toll. It’s hard to see the value of taking handfuls of pill every day, shooting myself up with meds, and going to therapies 2 to 4 times a week. There is no magic pill that takes away the symptoms and leaves me feeling good, but damn I wish there was because I’m starting to forget what it feels like not to feel crapy.

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