Saturday, March 20, 2010

What some cheese with that whine?

I don’t like whining; I especially don’t like feelings as though all I do is whine about having MS. It sucks, we all know it, time to move on. However, every so often, a little bit of whining is good for you. When you have MS, it’s all about doing things that are good and beneficial for yourself. If people don’t like it… well I know of a bridge they can all go jump off of.
Today, I feel like bringing out a little whine. Keep in mind, you can’t just bring out any old whine. If your gonna whine, make it a good vintage full of body, with the hint of sarcasm and just a few top notes of snark. 
I have to say, when your actually feeling good for a change, nothing takes the air out of your tires faster than waking up to a handful of pills and an injection. I think that the hardest part of this whole longevity issue is the fact that in order to keep things in check, I have to continue to take medications; even on days when I feel okay. Nothing says that there’s something wrong with you more than the daily hoards of medications you have to take in order to be well or stay well. 
I tried throwing my hands up in the air, saying “Screw this, I’d rather deal with this on my own”, but the end result landed me in the hospital. It’s hard to say if it was my rebellion against my medication or the fact that I was severely taxed and stressed at my job that was the culprit; it could have easily been a combination of both. But, I once again have to wonder at the benefits of taking medications that, on a whole don’t seem to be working. The only thing keeping me going every morning when I face the line up of pill bottles is the fear of ending up back in the hospital. While I’ve gained back most of what was lost before, I still do not have sensitivity in the finger tips of my left hand and some in my right. What more could I lose if I have another major relapse? I suppose staying on the medication is supposed to prevent a relapse from happening, but what I wouldn’t give to not wake up to my reminder that I have MS, even if it was just for one day.

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