Sunday, March 28, 2010

Okay, seriously, something's got to give.

Anytime I feel as though I’m making some headway, I’m starting to feel better on a more consistent basis, wanting to go out and actually do things, and then I start to backslide. 
The numbness is coming back. I’ve noticed it starting up a little this past week, but it comes and goes. The more tired I am, the more pronounced the numbness is in my left hand. Last night I went out with some friends, and when I got home, the numbness was not only really pronounced in my left hand, it was starting up in my left forearm. Once again, I was tired, it was late... but it’s still there today. In addition to the numbness I’ve started stumbling more, running into things, and generally not feeling very coordinated. I’ve started inverting letters when I type, making more errors, typos, etc...
I’m not feeling very encouraged by this new series of events. I’ve not missed any dosages on my medication, I just don’t know what else to do. One of these days, things are going to even out.

1 comment:

  1. That is the hope! I suppose it is a bit or trial and error until it works and then isn't there some point where you have to change it up again?

    I cannot even begin to imagine where you are at, but know I am here with open ears/eyes if you ever need. =)
