Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Cannot Come Soon Enough

I am so sick of winter, seriously, winter can end just about any time. Unfortunately, here in Colorado, we still have a few more weeks of ‘Spring’ snow storms coming and dumping all sorts of snow. What sucks even more is when we get one of these snow storms on the back of a nice, sunny, 70º day. I mean really, now we’re just getting rude.
This winter was my first with MS, and well… Is there a manager around because I’d like to lodge a complaint.
I learned this winter that my body doesn’t like sub freezing temperatures any more than it liked the super hot, sun scorching days we had in the summer. Go figure. Where the heat makes me feel like I’m moving around in pudding, and after any small action or movement, I have to go take a nap afterwards. The cold, on the other hand, makes my joints and muscles hurt and it’s just not fun being in my own skin.
What I want is spring. Just a few weeks were I don’t feel like someone is jabbing sharp things into my body, and right before getting up to use the bathroom is exhausting. In Colorado, spring generally is  only a few weeks, and I want them to start now so I can enjoy them while I can. Because, ‘round here, Mother Nature likes to play sick jokes and sometimes the snow keeps coming right up until May, then the thermostat switches the other way and starts baking.
*   *   *   *
This August will mark my one year anniversary being diagnosed with MS. Perhaps I should have a party, with cake… or maybe Guinness, lots and lots of Guinness, along with Jeremy’s black and tan brownies.
Mmmmm.... Black and tan brownies....
I wonder what’s for breakfast.

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