Monday, September 16, 2013


For those who are interested, the Ehlert family has weathered the floods in Colorado quite well. While large sections of our town and county where severely flooded, us and our immediate family managed to stay safe and dry. The past week was surreal, however, as flood and evacuation notices were being constantly updated. There was a point Thursday night where our neighborhood could have been told to evacuate, the boundary line kept creeping closer.

Fortunately, the wet weather appears to be behind us. Unfortunately, our town along with several other towns has been pretty devastated by flood waters. Many of the roads I like to ride or run on have been washed out or damaged or are still under water.

The footage is just a glimpse of just how bad the area near my home got hit.

The boys are out of school until Thursday, the district felt that it was best given the devastation and many families need some time to pull themselves together and figure out next steps. It's going to be a long road to recovery. 

It's been an incredible week, but we'll get through it and life will return to normal soon.

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