Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Full time writing, not as easy as one thinks

So this whole quitting my job to be a writer is a lot harder than I expected. One would think that having all sorts of free time to write would be conducive to you know, writing. 

It turns out that its not so easy. I can't count all the times I've sat in front of a blinking cursor waiting for inspiration to strike only to be mocked by a blank screen. And the novel I was hoping to crank out this month... Yeah well, that's a whole other issue.

On Friday I leave for Ireland to run in the Dublin Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon. I'm hoping that the travel will help inspire me. Maybe I can pen a short story or essay or something, or maybe a review or two of some of the places we go, either way I'm hoping to find some direction or focus because right now I'm feeling pretty directionless.

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