Thursday, February 11, 2010

I ran rings ‘round your logic there…

It is becoming clearer to me that in order to have MS, you needed to have checked your logic and rational thinking in at the door. Too bad I missed that part of the contract when I signed up; should have read the fine print… oh wait, MS makes you blind…

So, I must tread carefully lest it be known that I have MS and can actually think for myself in a rational and logical manner. This is a very exclusive group you see, and I worked very hard to become a member.

That being said, I think I would have been happier if I had checked my freethinking, rational brain with the nice man at the door; at least that way I wouldn’t have to be confronted by the completely irrational obsession with a theory that has been all but totally debunked. I wouldn’t feel like shaking people by the shoulders and screaming at them, “Don’t you remember anything from 6th grade science! It’s called the Scientific Method!” For crying out loud, even a middle school student understands that if the results of an experiment are not repeatable, then the conclusions of said experiment have been DISPROVED!


It doesn’t matter how many rational arguments grenades you throw, or legitimate source bombs you drop; there is no reasoning with irrational obsession.

Once again, as someone with MS, I totally under stand the allure of a treatment that would rid me of pain, numbness, fatigue, etc. However, bludgeoning a theory into what you want it to be, does not make it true. Ignoring scientific findings that have disproved the original hypothesis, doesn’t prove that the original hypothesis is correct. As seductive as it might be to believe that drug companies are trying to squash a cure for MS because they’d lose money on MS treatment; in this case it simply isn’t true.

The CCSVI Theory needs to be allowed to die the natural death that all pseudo-scientific findings eventually succumb to; just sign the DNR and let it go.

In the end… I should have just stayed with the crazies in the Bi-polar club and not try to diversify. At least there, rational thought and sanity were welcome, even desired.

Plus, the cookies were better... crazy people always have the better cookies.

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