Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Good Bye 2011, Hello 2012!!

I'm really excited for what this year can bring. 2011 was a good year for me in terms of the positive changes and the growth I've made and I'm looking forward continuing forward in 2012.

I have some big plans for myself this year jumping off from what I accomplished in 2011. My first big thing I'm doing is the Boulder Half-Marathon on April 1st.  It will be my first half-marathon. After the half-marathon my goal is to do at least four triathlons this year, two of them Olympic distance, and the two day BikeMS. Jeremy and I also want to hike up a 14er this summer as well.

My big goal for 2012 is to remain MS symptom free and I feel that continuing to be active and getting into shape will serve to further that goal.

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