Monday, January 16, 2012

Training in full swing

Only 78 days until the Boulder Half-Marathon and I've got my training in full swing. I spent the past couple of weeks getting back into shape and now I'm trying to boost my running time so I can go long distances. Today I went for about 8 miles and ran for the majority of the time.

Going for greater distances, I'm noticing that my feet start to go numb after about 3 miles. It's really annoying. I can't tell if it's an MS thing, back out-of-wack thing, or running form. OR it could be all of the above. I figure that the smart thing to do would be for me to call the neurologist my aunt recommended and make an appointment. I haven't had an MRI in over a year, and it's probably a good idea to get one to try and rule out any obvious MS related issues (i.e. new lesion development on my spine). Then if it is MS related, maybe the doctor could prescribe some type of physical therapy to help with my form to keep my feet from going numb when I run.

As I was out running today I came to the realization that I'm strong now. I don't know why but it's just never really hit home from me just how different I am physically now from where I was a year ago. Today I ran straight through for an hour without stopping, I couldn't have done that last year. Last year I couldn't have run longer than 5 minutes without feeling like I was going to die but today after 60 minutes I was going strong.

It occurred to me then that I've got this half-marathon in the bag. I keep training the way I've been training I'll be more than ready come April 1st. The trick of long distance running is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other and always remember that slow and steady wins to race.

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