Monday, October 10, 2011

Getting my groove back

Back in winter 2010 when I had my massive relapse, we had to turn my art/writing room into a makeshift bedroom because at that time I was having issues getting up and down the stairs safely. We had to breakdown my work table and rearrange all the furniture to make room for a bed. I had to move most of my art supplies to the basement thinking that I wasn't going to be able to use them anymore. The whole thing was just depressing.
As I started to feel better, the bed changed into a futon (mostly because my MIL needed her spare bed back) and while the futon was significantly smaller than the bed, it still took up most of the room.

After I had to make the necessary changes to my work space I couldn't work. Every time I entered the room all my creative energy drained away and I started lamenting about whether or not I would ever be able to write or draw or paint again.

Next month is National Novel Writing Month, one of my favorite crazy making activities. Last year I did abysmally, barely got halfway through the 50,000 word goal and as I've been getting ready for another NaNoWriMo I decided that ir was time to change things up.

SO... I got rid of the futon (well... moved it into the living room), rearranged the furniture to a more appealing arrangement, put my desk back by my window where I liked it, even brought back a few items that had once been banished and in the space of a few days my work room has gone from energy sucking to energy giving and I realized why things had been so blah.

When I got sick, we changed my room into a sick room. It ceased to be my creative haven and became the place went to when I couldn't make it up the stairs. Even when that no longer was an issue, it stayed that way because of the likelihood of another relapse. It wasn't a place where I made art or wrote, it was a place that felt dreary. No matter how good I felt coming home from work or when I got up in the morning, when I'd set foot in my room all of the good feeling drained away leaving me feeling kinda... ugh.

So now... Just like I've reclaimed by body and my health I've reclaimed my space. My room is not a sick room anymore, it's a place to sit and think and concoct story ideas or paint and draw. Its one more thing I'm not letting MS take away.

Boy howdy... it feels really good to be back!

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