Sunday, May 8, 2011

48 Days to Bike MS

Today I got my first taste of what it's like riding with heat involved. During the week I go for at least two short training rides with my trainer Beth and other co-workers and on the weekend I'm supposed to go out on longer rides. So today I dragged my sister in law out and we went for a long ride along the Greenway... 20+ miles all told. When we started it was warm but comfortable out however as the day progressed the temperature rose to 80 degrees or so.

I knew that of all the obstacles along the way to Bike MS, heat was going to be a big one. The longer I rode in the heat and the more tired I became, and I had to keep reminding myself that I needed to push through because I need to get used to riding when it's hot. Heat is the only thing about Bike MS that I'm genuinely worried about... MS makes me heat sensitive and if I'm not careful I could make myself seriously sick.

Riding today was good experience...

I think that what I did well was;
* I drank LOTS of water. I have a backpack with a large water pouch and a hose so I had ready access to water when I needed.
* I came prepared with snacks. Riding long distances with the kids, I just get used to bringing food along.
* I rested when I needed, especially towards the end of the ride.

Somethings I'm going to need as it gets warmer;
* A biking jersey with pockets in the back to put ice packs into to help cool my body.
* I need to remember to add LOTS of ice to my water.
* Some kind of visor or something for my helmet to help keep the sun from beating on my face.

Overall I had a great ride. Once I was able to cool my body temperature down I felt great, not worn out or exhausted. One thing that I am especially proud of was being able to tackle and successfully beat a monster hill that had, in times past, gotten the better of me. I feel stronger. Once I get some good strategies in place to manage the heat and my body temperature I'll be well on my way towards successfully completing Bike MS.

As always... donations are appreciated... Contribute towards my ride.

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