Sunday, January 31, 2010

Consideration on Health Care Reform

Now that President Obama’s much lauded health care reform bill has nearly met it’s ultimate demise; status quo seems to be returning to Washington. No one is talking about the sick, the poor, and the uninsured, anymore. There’s no profit to be had advocating for a healthcare system that benefits the patient rather than large insurance conglomerates.

This is a sad state for our country to be in; because while billion dollar insurance companies lobby against a bill that would force them to stop dictating what kind of health care patients should receive, millions of Americans continue to suffer. Providing heath care shouldn’t be about making a profit, it should be about bettering quality of life.

Our country needs to stand up to the big businesses who run our health care system. We need politicians, who aren’t governed by approval ratings, to make a stand and fight for their constituents’ right to have health care that’s directed by a doctor and not dictated by a bottom line.

President Obama’s healthcare bill may yet see the light of day, but at what cost? To achieve bipartisan approval, how much ‘change’ will be sacrificed? Are we going to continue to allow insurance companies to hold most of the cards? Or are we, as Americans, going to rise up and demand an end to big businesses making huge profits at the expense of our care and quality of life! No one should be forced to suffer so an insurance company can add to their profit margin. No one should be forced to have a less effective treatment or medication, because a better treatment isn’t cost effective. It’s time that we demand a government that works for us, instead of catering to big, wealthy, corporations.

*This is a copy of a submission I sent to my local news paper, and is dedicated to a dear friend who is suffering from the consequences of being a part of a system that had no regard for her care and well being.

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