Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tysabri Infusion #2

Last week I had my second Tysabri infusion. A lot of people have been asking me if there has been any change or difference since I started treatment, and for the most part there hasn't been... Of course I've only been doing this for two months and from what I've been told it takes anywhere from three to six months for there to be a noticeable difference. However, that being said, I was realizing this week as I once again try to get back into a running routine that the mind numbing fatigue is finally starting to lift.

One of the hardest things trying to get back into running had been the complete inability to drag my sorry butt out of bed in the mornings. The desire was there, but the body and mind was so not willing and in the end won the struggle. It's a small thing, but noticeable this week when the alarm goes off at 5 am and I can actually move. Now it's 5 am, the sun isn't up and it's freezing outside, so I'm not leaping out of bed excited to freeze my tuckass off, but I can get going a lot easier. It's a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, with the fatigue haze lifting, I'm discovering to my dismay how far back I went in my recovery. I got hit with a three ton load of bricks for a few months and it shows. In many ways it feels like I'm starting over. One small consolation in this is that if I hadn't made so many strides forwards before the relapse hit, when it finally lifted I'd be a lot worse off. It doesn't always help when I'm stumbling my way through the mile I'd conquered two years ago, but hopefully it will motivate me to get back to where I'd been.

Other benefits to the lifting haze, I've discovered that I have a brain! It's a nice brain, I've always been fond of it, I even have pictures of it... but for a really long time it went on vacation or something because it sure wasn't where it was supposed to be. With its return, hopefully well rested with lots of good pictures and stories to tell from its vacation, my ability to write has tagged along. As I prepare for my fifth trek into NaNoWriMo-land, I can actually feel that part of my brain flexing its tiny little muscles and I'm actually able to come up with and maintain a plot.

So, to make a long story short... two months in and there is a tiny little glimmer of hope that a medication is actually going to help.

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