Monday, October 7, 2013

Hitting the road

This morning I went for my first run in many weeks.

As summer came to a close, I was hit hard by fatigue followed closely by a nasty virus that is still lingering.  Dealing with all that brought my workouts and running to a screeching halt, which as in turn brought on a pretty vicious cycle. Feeling like crap has made my motivation to go and workout non-existent, but not working out has brought on more MS symptoms like pain and spasticity which in turn decreases the motivation even more. It's a pretty hard cycle to break.

The run this morning went pretty well. Not spectacular or fast but not terrible either, I was able to go for two miles only having to stop and rest for half a mile. I just have to be mindful of not pushing too hard or too fast or else I risk crashing again. I'm hoping that with the Tysabri on board, I won't get as derailed by MS related issues as I got this summer but it takes time to build up the medication in my system.

In the meantime, I need to sign up for another race. Having a race on the calendar just seems to help focus my training because there is a specific purpose to the work. Registration for the Platte River Half-Marathon 2014 should be opening in November and I'm seriously concidering signing up again. It will be my third time running the race and my fifth half. My average completion time is about three hours, and this time I really want to shave it down to two and a half hours. I also want to be able to run the entire time without having to stop and walk portions, if I can run the entire half-marathon that would be a sign that I am ready to then tackle a full marathon. I just need to remain consistant and dedicated in my training, something has in the past been a struggle.

After my run today, I'm feeling pretty good. More energetic than I've been feeling lately. I wouldn't be surprised if my body throws up a few roadblocks over the next couple of days, the MS likes to do that when I start doing things differently. I just have to push through even when the motivation isn't there and know that if the MS rebels, it's only temporary.

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