Friday, September 2, 2011

Boulder Sunset Triathlon: T-minus 20 hours and counting

I'm getting everything in order for the Boulder Sunset Triathlon. This evening I went down to Boulder and picked up my race packet which included an ankle strap with a chip attached to it to track my time, my bib for the riding and running phases, and finally got my body marked with my number so for when I swim.

This whole week leading up to tomorrow I've been bordering on excited with a large side of nervousness and anxiety. On Wednesday I had my first swim in the reservoir to get a taste of open waters which helped ease some of my anxiety; I know more of what to expect. Tonight, the anxiety has given way to nervous excitement as the full impact of what I'm going to be doing tomorrow hit home.

I'm really going to do this... I really am this CRAZY! *lol*

This afternoon after work I went out for drinks with some coworkers and they were talking about how amazing everything I've been doing over the past several months have been; losing a whole bunch of weight, getting fit, getting active, starting out with Bike MS and moving onto a Triathlon with another triathlon waiting in the wings. I think, being caught up in day to day moments, I forget that for someone with MS, what I am doing is somewhat extraordinary.  I know I'm not the only person with MS who does these sorts of activities, but compared to where I was a year ago, even two years ago, it's nothing short of amazing.

I need to savor these moments and put them away to take out when the MS starts to get hard again. This is part of living with MS; enjoying what I have and what I can do now so I have good memories to carry me through the times that are rough.

After the Boulder Sunset Tri, I have the Ocktoberfest triathlon later this month. Yes, two triathlons in a month... Did I mention before that I'm crazy! A huge part of my motivation has been having these major goals to work towards. It gives me reasons to get my rear out of bed in the morning or off the couch in the afternoons. Training forces me to push my self harder in order to grow stronger and for me it has more meaning than just working out just to loose weight. The weight loss and muscle gain is a pleasant bonus.

This winter, my focus is going to be on running. It will be the easiest activity to maintain over the winter. My goal is to get to a point where I can run a half marathon next year and eventually a full marathon. What I REALLY want to do is participate in an Iron Man event; that is my ultimate goal.

I'm down to 19+ hours until the triathlon tomorrow, and I need to find some way to ease my nervous tension. It sucks that most of my coping skills in this situation I can't do before tomorrow; I could but it wouldn't be a good idea.

Let the fun begin...

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