Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oktoberfest Triathlon

So, I've completed my second and final triathlon of the year! I'm super proud of myself that I've been able to do so much these past several months. Starting with Bike MS, continuing with Boulder Sunset Triathlon and ending with Oktoberfest. I think that I've done well for myself but it's time to tone things down for a while. Not that I can't compete but I don't think my bank account can handle any more registration fees and equipment costs.

It's expensive to be this athletic.

Monday, September 5, 2011

MS can just suck it!

One of the things I was thinking about yesterday during the triathlon was how I was getting back at MS for what it had done to me. For a year and a half I had to endure not knowing what to expect from day to day or even hour to hour. Things would change and I would have to adjust and suck it up.

On Saturday I had the upper hand because I was the one changing things up without notice, shocking my body going from one thing to the next. It would get used to doing one thing then BAM! we were off doing something else. It was gratifying, almost like give MS a taste of it's own medicine. I was the one in control and my body was going to have to suck it up and like it.

Boulder Sunset Triathlon: I can't believe I did the WHOLE thing!

Actually, yes I can believe it, there was no question I wouldn't compete the triathlon, but looking back it's still pretty amazing. The triathlon was so much fun! I know, a crazy thing to say about an even that has you swimming, cycling AND running back to back but it really wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.

The swimming part was the one I was most anxious about, mostly because I had little to no experience swimming in open water and it was going to be a constant 1/2 mile instead of the normal back and forth in a pool. Once I got used to the open water, and past the wakes of the jet skis that were rescuing people who couldn't make the swim, I started to get a good stride and a good strategy going. By the end of the swim I'd hit that sweet spot where I was just going without having to think too much about what I was doing outside of sighting in order to stay on course. Unfortunately, that was about the time the 1/2 mile was over and it was time to jump on my bike.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Boulder Sunset Triathlon: T-minus 20 hours and counting

I'm getting everything in order for the Boulder Sunset Triathlon. This evening I went down to Boulder and picked up my race packet which included an ankle strap with a chip attached to it to track my time, my bib for the riding and running phases, and finally got my body marked with my number so for when I swim.

This whole week leading up to tomorrow I've been bordering on excited with a large side of nervousness and anxiety. On Wednesday I had my first swim in the reservoir to get a taste of open waters which helped ease some of my anxiety; I know more of what to expect. Tonight, the anxiety has given way to nervous excitement as the full impact of what I'm going to be doing tomorrow hit home.

I'm really going to do this... I really am this CRAZY! *lol*