Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two Year Anniversary

My two year anniversary of my diagnosis is well... now. This time two years ago I was undergoing test after test all with the hope that it would turn up something other than MS but 99% sure that it was MS.

Wow... two years. I mentioned that to a friend today and the impact of that statement brought tears to my eyes as the weight of what happened hit me like a two ton load of bricks. I was a completely different person back then I don't think I can even recognize that person anymore. Being diagnosed with MS was both one of the worst things to happen to me but also one of the best.

Having MS has given me a new appreciation for my life, for what I can do what I want to do. I don't think I take as much for granted anymore. Its because of the MS that I made so many massive changes to myself physically, mentally, emotionally. I don't know who I would be anymore if I didn't have MS.

Lately I've been having some issues with my extremities... muscle spasms, tingling etc... And I'm trying my best to push through and not give them any ground, but it's a little hard because MS is on my mind. I miss working. I didn't have time to sit around contemplating my navel let alone MS. My job is all GO GO GO which is fantastic because all you have time to think about are the kids and how to avert the next crisis. I love my summer break but it does give me a little too much time to think.

Two years down. It doesn't seem like much, but I guess because it's still new to me, because I can still kind of remember what life was like with out MS. Maybe after 10 years I'll just be able to shrug and say... "Well another year down."

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