Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Riding Towards a Cure

Since coming to terms with having MS, I've been... appreciating my mobility. For many people with MS, mobility is something that slowly deteriorates as the condition progresses; if your  nerves aren't working right they can't send all the correct signals that make your body function as it should.

If you don't use it, you lose it... and as hard as it was to get going, I see how important it has been that I've gotten my activity levels up and how keeping those levels high can play a key role is staving off mobility loss in the future. The stronger hold I get over my body, the harder it will be to lose control of it... at least thats what I've been telling myself.

Which brings me to my latest... adventure.

The more active I've become that more active I want to get, and the more I want to challenge myself. Five years ago, WAY before I was diagnosed or even thought there was a possibility I would every have MS, I registered to do the 50 mile, two day, walk into D.C. I worked hard and trained to do the walk however I fell short of my fundraising requirements and was unable to participate.

The irony isn't lost on me...

Coming up in June there is a Bike MS challenge. The challenge is to ride either  two-days/150 miles or one day/40 miles and I had been thinking for a while that if I could get myself into good physical condition that I should try and tackle one of those rides. Initially I was thinking of trying it out next year but I have since been compelled to push myself to make a run of it this year, opting for the one day/40 mile ride.

The goal of the challenge is to raise awareness and money for MS and that, in and of itself, is a worthy feat. However, for me, this ride is something way more important. One of the worst things about having MS is feeling helpless. You're at the mercy of your own body and whether or not it's going to cooperate, and there isn't anything you can really do to fight. Riding this challenge, for me, is my way of combating MS. It feels like I'm doing more than just living one day at a time, that I'm contributing... something.

So, I'm signed up to ride provided that I can meet my fundraising goal this time around. I have good reason to believe that I will and it isn't just the increased motivation of having MS...

When I posted on Facebook my idea to train and ride in Bike MS I was greeted by overwhelming support; everyone was cheering me on and encouraging me to sign up and go for it. What surprised me and touched me the most were my co-workers who... without prompting... asked if they could join me and form a team and help support me on the ride.

Outside of family, I don't think I have ever felt so supported. I am so blessed that I work with such an amazing team of people and I know that with their help and the help of my family I'm going to not only be able to meet this challenge... I will concur it and will have done my part, as small as it maybe, towards finding a cure.

Anyone who would like to contribute towards my ride can do so at:
My Bike MS page

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