Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy BIrthday to Me!

Okay... Not really but it will be next week.

For my birthday and in honor of my upcoming Bike MS ride in June, we picked out a new... snazzier... bike for me. I had been wanting to upgrade my old, cheapo, bike ever since the family and I have been going on longer and longer weekend rides.

So... I've got this great new bike that I'm itching to take out for a spin and wouldn't you know... it's snowing out today! However, I'm so jazzed about my bike that I may go out anyway.

While I'm on the topic of riding... Training for Bike MS starts officially on Tuesday. I have an awesome friend at work who's offered to help me train and get ready for the ride. In addition to her help, many of my other work friends are training with me even though they aren't going to be riding the actual ride. It's going to make getting ready a lot of fun and we're all going to get fit together.

I'm actually really excited to do the ride. It's another affirmation... I do this because I can and nothing is going to hold me back. The distance... the terrain... even the heat of summer... None of those things intimidate me or make me feel worried that maybe I won't make it; I'm just eager to get started.

I'm still looking for donations towards my ride. The money raised in this event goes towards research to help find ways to make living with MS easier and maybe... one day... lead to the discovery of a cure. I'm fortunate that right now my MS has gotten to a point where I can lead a normal life, but there are hundreds of others who have not been as fortunate.

MS is unpredictable... One day your fine, on top of the world, but the next day you could wake up in the morning and barely move. It's horrible feeling as though your body is slowly betraying you. One of the worst things about MS is that it commonly strikes people in the prime of their lives; it's not fair to be 34 and have this... ax... hanging over my head ready to rob me of my cognitive and motor functioning.

When you're living with MS, you live for today because you never know what your life will be tomorrow.

I ride because today... I can.

Please help my cause by donating towards my ride:
My MS Fundraising Page

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