Tuesday, April 27, 2010

They say first steps are the hardest... But sometimes you just have to jump in.

On Sunday I got back on my bike for the first time since I was diagnosed. Hobbes was driving me nuts and I figured the best way to appease him was to take him outside to ride bikes. I wasn’t sure how I would do, but I was willing to give it a shot. We ended up taking a bike tour around the neighborhood with Hobbes showing me where he likes to bike and where his friends live.
It felt good to bike again, and we had a lot of fun.
Today it’s warm and sunny out and I decided that I wanted to take a walk. I packed my iPod, sketch book, some pencils, writing journal, and a book. I went out, taking it slow, and after awhile I sat down to sketch. It was so great being outside in the sun, listening to music, and drawing. It almost felt like none of this MS stuff had happened.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m tired of talking about MS. 
I’m tired of talking about my health. Somedays are good, somedays are bad, on the good days I’m out and about while on the bad days I’m hibernating. When I feel good, I don’t like being reminded that I have something not right with me. Even coming off a bad episode, when I feel good I want to put the bad episodes behind me. 
I don’t want to look in the mirror anymore and see MS, and I don’t want people to only see that part of me as well. It’s like the nondescript music that plays in a department store; it’s there, you hear it, but it blends into the background and you forget that it’s even playing. I want MS to fade into the background; it’s there, I know it, but I want it to blend into my life. 
This song has been overplayed, and it’s has long worn out it’s interest. It’s time for MS to become the muzak in my life. 

This is the picture I sketched while on my walk.

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