Monday, May 10, 2010

Wanted: One brain, it’s grey, kinda wrinkly. I must have left it somewhere...

I am seriously starting to lose my mind, and not in the my kids are diving me crazy, I’ve got a boat load of work to do and not enough time to do it in, losing my mind. I seem to be losing cognitive functioning.
For example:
I’ve been saying wrong things with out knowing that I’m saying things incorrectly. I’ve told the kids to rinse off their dishes and put them in the microwave. I ordered a hot ‘n sour soup in stead of an egg drop soup at or favorite Asian restaurant on my birthday; I hate hot ‘n sour soup.
When I write, everything looks normal, my spelling is correct, no typos, but when I go back to something I previously wrote, it will be full of typos, wrong words, etc.
Today, I had an appointment at 10:30 in the morning. I finished a few things around the house, dishes, laundry, etc. Went up to dress, I did my hair, make up, and when I went downstairs and looked at the clock it was only a little past 10. I had plenty of time before I had to leave. So, I balanced my checkbook, contacted a potential client, packed my bag and left at 10:15. I got to my appointment, I sat in the waiting room, opened my book and started reading. My cell phone starts going off, but I don’t recognize the number so let it go to voicemail. Curious, I check to see who called and it was my doctor saying that we need to reschedule because when he came out to get me I wasn’t in the waiting room. Confused, I checked the time and it was 11! I thought I’d gotten to the appointment on time, but when I checked the call log from the call I made before leaving the house, and it was at 10:34. Somehow I looked at the clock, saw 10:15 and when I got to the office I saw that I was indeed on time.
I’d spent the whole morning thinking that I was on schedule and yet time had completely gotten away from me and I had no idea that it had; which really freaks me out.
I have a test, I scheduled a couple of weeks ago, to have a neuropsychometric exam. For awhile I’ve been having issues finding words and losing words, plus now using wrong words, so my neurologist wanted me to have this test that should determine if it’s my medication that’s causing the issue, or if it’s apart of the MS.
That’s right folks. Not only can the MS cripple me physically, it can also cripple me cognitively. Apparently it has something to do with the lesions in my brain, how many I have, where they are located, but cognitive loss is not a good sign. According to my reading, people who’ve had MS for years will start to have cognitive impact as the condition slowly progresses. It’s scary to think that after less than a year, I’m having cognitive issues.
I really hope that it’s the medication because then there’s something that could be done. First of all, I quit what’s causing the problem, and that’s easy because I don’t think it works anyway. I still have pain, I still have neuropathy, and its all getting worse.
Did I fail to mention that?
Yes, my symptoms are not only still present, they are worsening. Along with the worsening symptoms, the cognitive issues seem to be worsening too, especially if I add losing time to the list of brain issues I’m having.
If it’s medication driven, we quit the meds I’m taking and possibly try new things. If it’s MS, the damage is irreversible and well I don’t really want to go there at the moment...

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