Saturday, June 1, 2013

Has it really only been 4 years?

Four years ago this past July I started experiencing my first round of MS symptoms. After a month of testing and waiting and even more testing, my results came back with a pretty conclusive MS diagnosis.

Four years... Honestly not very much time, but it feels like its been so much longer. Looking back at who I was prior to being diagnosed and comparing her to the person I am now, it just seems like more time should have passed. I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't have MS.

Amazingly, I'm not sorry that I have MS. It has forced me to really evaluate myself, my life, my priorities... I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for MS. Sure things aren't always as easy as they once were, there are a lot more things I have to be careful of; not over heating, not over exerting myself. But there a a lot of things I can do now that I hadn't been able to do before; run a mile, run 5k, participate in a triathlon, run a half marathon... The list could go on for quite a while.

One of the best things having MS has taught me is to not just sit back and accept limitations other people put on me or more importantly the ones I set myself. I don't know what my future holds. I could wake up one morning with a nasty relapse and can't get out of bed, or maybe that never happens. But one thing I've learned is to do as much as I can now, while I'm able, push myself forward, make strides so that when my mobility does start to deteriorate it will take longer because there will be a lot of mobility to go through. 

One thing is for certain, I'm not going down without a fight and for me every race, every run, every bike ride is just one more battle in my own personal war against this disease.

If I could go back four years and tell myself one thing, I think it would be not to take anything for granted, because you never know when the things you used to do easily become almost impossible to accomplish. And most importantly...

Don't tell me what I can't do.

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