Monday, April 2, 2012

Boulder Half-Marathon: The heat got the better of me

Things at the half marathon did not go well yesterday. Despite all my planning and strategizing, yesterday felt like a comedy of errors, starting with not getting into the reservoir with enough time to actually prep for the race, I pretty much got out of the car and started running. Once I got running things evened out and I got into a groove, but four or five miles into the race the sun was beating down with fierce intensity and there was nothing, no clouds, no breeze or anything to fend it off. I had my wet towel and was using it, but by mile seven that wasn't helping, my abdomen was getting tight, and I was starting to have difficulties taking deep breaths. By mile 10 I had to throw in the towel (figuratively speaking) and admit defeat.

It's been a humbling experience. I went into it thinking that I could do anything, that nothing could get me down, that I was going to conquer the trail, but the reality is that as much as I'd like to think that I've got MS licked and that I've taken control of it, there is still a lot I can't control. I went in with a cocky ass attitude and got my butt smacked down.

I probably needed that...

Down but not out,  I still have the Boulder Boulder 10k coming up in May and a triathlon. I can chalk this up to a learning experience, I know what to expect, the different pit falls that could happen and the next time I try a half-marathon I'll do better.

For now, I just have to remind myself that I did the right thing for me and my health. Things didn't get dangerously bad, I stopped before that happened. The towel I brought to wet and use to cool down was totally the right thing to do, I think it saved things from being worse than they were.

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