Thursday, August 11, 2011

Boulder Sunset Triathlon: In the best shape ever

I wouldn't have thought when I was diagnosed with MS two years ago that I would be sitting here today celebrating the fact that I am in THE best physical condition of my life. Honestly, I've never been this physically fit.

Training for the Boulder Sunset Triathlon has been going really well. I have been pushing and challenging myself to the point where I can... get this... run an entire mile without having to stop. I couldn't do that when I was in high school! In fact, I can even run farther than a mile. The 5K part of the triathlon has been the part of the event that I have been looking forward to the least, but I'm starting to really enjoy running and I never thought I would ever say something like that.

Two years ago I considered running any distance to be akin to the 9th circle of hell. I guess having MS changes your perception of what hell can be because I would run a marathon if it meant being free from MS.

Reflecting on my two year anniversary...

This time last year my thoughts on MS were centered on what I couldn't do because I had MS. This year I'm thinking...
"Sure I have MS, but look what I can do! I can swim, cycle and even run and come September 3rd I'm going to be doing all three in succession."

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