Here we go...
I'm packed and ready to head up to Fort Collins. Jeremy and I are going to go out and have breakfast together and then I am ready to roll. I am anticipating that once I get going it's going to take between three or four hours to complete the course which will put my completion time between noon and 1 o'clock. Speed isn't the point, completion is...
I spent all day yesterday and all night itching to ride so badly. Say I can't do something, or in this case shouldn't, and thats all I wanna do fortunately that can only help me at this point.
Not much else to say... I do want to thank everyone who's cheered me on and supported me through this journey. I really want to thank my friends Beth and Leslie for going out and riding with me and especially Beth who got me over my aversion to hills of any kind. I also want to thank my family, especially Jeremy, who sacrificed weekends going out and doing things so I could train.
Well... time to hit the road. It's GO time!
cool! - calvin