Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Year Down

It’s the 4th of July... Last year at this time was the last time I felt ‘normal’. I haven’t officially hit the one year anniversary of my diagnosis, but I think it bears commenting that its been a year since I didn’t have the numbness, fatigue, spasms, and pain. 
This past week has been difficult. After a few weeks of minimal issues, things have been creeping back up again.
I’m frustrated... It feels as though I start to move forward with my life and shit starts up again.
I got a new job, a job I really wanted to get. I will be working as a behavior coach, helping emotionally challenged kids get back onto the right track. Working at Altona really wore me down and it got to me; but I love working in a school with kids... I don’t think I should have to give up doing something I enjoy doing because I have MS. What I’ve learned this past year about living with MS is that I can’t let it stop me from being me. I’m finally getting to a point where I’m tired of wallowing, I’m tired of always feeling bad, and I’ve taken steps to get back to my life. It really makes me angry because I feel as though I can’t catch a break.
It also makes me sad to think that it’s already been a year... one year down...
I guess I just need to let myself feel it... and hope that I will still get to move forward.

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