Sunday, April 7, 2013

Long Way to the Finish

Today was the Platte River Half-Marathon.

One thing about  doing all this with MS is how limiting MS can feel. It's frustrating, I can't train well in the hight of summer but at the same time I can't train well in the middle of winter... too much heat or too much cold equals badness, it feels like I just can't win.

Today, the run started pretty much like all of my other runs recently... spasticity in my calves. I tried taking Advil before starting with the hopes of staving off the worst of the pain, maybe it took the edge off maybe not. For the first two or three miles or so, I had the spasticity then by mile four my right foot went completely numb, followed by my left foot. The next four miles felt like I was running in ski boots of what I imagine what running in ski boots would feel like.

One thing I've learned about dealing with MS related issues is that if you push through long enough, they eventually dissipate which happened on this run by mile 10. Unfortunately, the blister forming on the bottom of my left foot at mile 11 made me almost wish I was dealing with the numbness.

In the end, I finished strong and I felt good crossing the finish line. There is still a lot of work I need to do on my running. No matter how much I run, or how hard I try... running is still not my thing. Doing the event today got me itching to sign up for a triathlon this summer, I'm thinking the Boulder Sunrise or Sunset... or maybe the Summer Open or Oktoberfest.

The next race on my agenda is the BolderBoulder on Memorial Day which I'm doing with Jeremy, the boys, and a group of Boy Scouts I've been working with on their Personal Fitness merit badges. After 13.1 miles today, 6 should be a breeze.

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