Sunday, March 17, 2013

Been a long couple of months

The past couple of months have, admittedly, been kind of difficult MS wise. Since February I've had a whole mess of things flaring up again; fatigue, dizziness, numbness... I'm so sick of it. Of course, the resurgence of issues has put a damper on my training and I've got a half-marathon coming up in a couple of weeks. It most likely won't be my best event ever, but I'm still going to go and do my best. It doesn't matter when I cross the finish line just that I cross. I've been working with a group of Boy Scouts on their Personal Fitness merit badge, and one thing I keep telling them is that personal fitness isn't about competing with other people, there is always going to be someone bigger, stronger and faster, the person they need to compete with is themselves and try and do their personal best. That's definitely something for me to keep in mind as well.

Next month I'm going back to my neurologist to touch base on the resurgence of issues I've been having. I don't want to go so far as to say I'm relapsing, though it certainly feels like I am, but I do want to see what my doctor has to say. It could be that I've been running myself down with stress from work plus training which instead of helping my immune system, it's actually lowering it making me susceptible to every little bug that I come across. My hope is that when the school year ends, I will be able to bounce back and get back to feeling more like myself.

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