Monday, September 20, 2010

Proving Myself

Going back to work has been the best thing I could have done. It means that I'm not letting MS win and take over my life; even though I have to deal with more unpleasant symptoms. One thing I've noticed about working with MS, I feel though I work twice as hard as I did before I was diagnosed.

I think that it can be easy for people to assume that you are limited by your disability; sometimes they go out their way to do things for you, or just think you aren't able to do the same things they can. What most people don't know is that when you have a disability, you tend to work harder to prove to the people around you and even to yourself that you aren't limited by your condition.

Even though I have MS, I don't want to be just someone with MS. It's hard sometimes, when I start to hurt or I'm really tired, to admit that I'm feeling weakness due to MS. It's hard because I don't want the people I work with to worry that I'm making myself sick by working too hard, or the work is too much for me. A lot the time I try to bear the brunt of what I'm feeling so I don't worry the people around me.

I know that I don't have to push myself as hard as I do to prove myself to my coworkers, but it feels as though I still need to prove myself to myself.

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